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Products & Solutions
Development and Change within Corporations

Social systems come into being whenever people work together. This creates a need to manage these systems from the perspective of individual and common goals.

SYNNECTA's core competence is our ability to manage social systems, even when direct communication is no longer possible. Based on this capacity, we have developed competencies in the following product areas:
  • Human Resources
  • Change Management and Organizational Development
  • Communication and Mobilization Processes
  • Process Excellence
  • Management Diagnostics
They enable us to create efficient impulses tailored to the different cultures and developmental phases of organizations and to implement these within the corporations concerned. Organizational development always requires the interplay of diverse competencies and approaches.

An organization is composed of individuals, groups and – last but not least – the organization of these groups with regard to functions and processes. Its quality depends on continuing development of individuals, teams and groups and, ultimately, the entire organization.

SYNNECTA represents this connection. We offer more than just our products. Instead, we work out concepts fostering connections together with you.
Change Management
We support management in the design of Change Management projects ...
Communication and Mobilization
The management of large corporations takes place today over communication networks ...
Human Resources
We have developed programs tailored to match and optimize the individual development and strategy of your organization ...
Process Excellence
The fields of process re-design, support for analyses and definitions, and implementation have created a new branch of consulting services ...
Modern management and staff development tools are based on statistical evaluations of surveys and feedback ...
SYNNECTA was founded in 1998 in Germany. Visit our German web pages at www.synnecta.de
SYNNECTA GmbH Germany :: Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 10 :: D-76131 Karlsruhe :: phone: + 49 (0) 721 - 5 97 16 - 0 :: fax + 49 (0) 721 - 5 97 16 - 16
SYNNECTA NV Belgium :: Druivenlaan 12 :: B-2390 Malle, Antwerp :: phone: + 32 (0) 3-237 75 25 :: fax + 32 (0) 3-257 21 80
SYNNECTA Co. Ltd. Thailand :: 1 Silom Rd, Level 8 :: Zuellig Building House :: Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok :: Thailand 10500
SYNNECTA China :: Room 227 :: No. 24, Guoding Road :: Yangpu District :: Shanghai, China
SYNNECTA USA :: Christopher Ragland :: 409 W 38th Street #101 :: Austin, TX 78705, USA